About Me

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Nashville, TN, United States
I am a mom to amazing twin girls, a wife, and I work full time. I battled infertility for 2 years and over the course of treatments, a twin pregnancy, and raising twins I managed to gain about 80 lbs. I’ve lost about 50 lbs so far and would like to lose another 50 in my quest to become a hot mama.
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, February 15, 2010

The verdict is in...

IT'S TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I absolutely cannot believe it.  We went in today fully expecting horrible news because of all of the bleeding.  I was actually in tears in the waiting room.  I hopped up on the table and she starts looking around for what seems like forever.  I asked her if people tell her that they are bleeding during pregnancy often and she responded “everyday of the week.”  So after an eternity (ok, 30 seconds) she goes “Well it’s twins.” My heart skipped about 7 beats!  She showed us both.  Both babies are measuring 6 weeks and 3 days (which is a 2 day difference from what I had calculated) but she said plus or minus 5 days on either side is just fine.  What was even more amazing is that both babies had heartbeats!!!! Baby A had a heartbeat of 119 and baby B had a heartbeat of 122.  She played both of the heart beats for us….it was the most AMAZING sound I have ever heard.

I pretty much cried uncontrollably while DH held my hand. Hands down this was the best day of my life! 

After we heard the heartbeats she looked for causes of the bleeding and said she can’t see any.  The doctor assured me that this is good.  She said bleeding is very common especially with twins.  DH said that Baby B is probably kicking Baby A in the head and that was the reason for all of the bleeding.

We go back in 2 weeks for another u/s and some blood work to put together a taper plan for the estrace and progesterone. 

Thanks so much for all of the support ladies!  I wouldn’t have survived the weekend without you!!!!!

Baby A:
Baby B:


  1. HOLY BUCKETS!! What an amazing surprise to go from thinking it could be the worst day of your life to a double miracle surprise!! I'm so happy for you.

    Now tell that feisty little Baby B to quit kicking its twin in the head!

  2. Oh my god that's SO exciting!!!!! I can't wait until your next ultrasound!!

  3. Congratulation on Baby A and Baby B.

  4. WOW, Congratulations! What a blessing!!! (times two!!)

  5. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's such wonderful news!!!!!

  6. Oh my, congratulations!!! Your due date is almost a year to the day after my twins were born.

    My daughter kicked my son in the head the entire pregnancy, but he doesn't seem to hold any grudges.

  7. Wow! Wow! Wow! I'm so excited!!!!!! They're gorgeous and healthy YAY!!!! You must be over the moon with joy! You deserve it girl!!'

  8. Congratulations!
    I hope the spotting quits soon.

  9. EMILY THIS IS SO AWESOME! I am sending you big hugs and prayers.

  10. OMG Congrats! I hope I get to experience your joy one day too! Happy and Healthy 9 months!

  11. CONGRATS!!!! I am so excited for you!!!!

  12. Thanks so much everyone. I am still speechless!

  13. Congratulations!!! Holy heck that is awesome!! :-)

  14. That is exactly what happened to me. I went for an u/s to confirm m/c and was informed that I was having twins! What a roller coaster ride of emotions in the span of just a few minutes! My boys are now 19 months old--enjoy the ride!

  15. Big congrats! That is an amazing experience and I'm in tears just remembering my experience like that last year. Congrats, you so deserve these miracles! Hugs!

  16. OMG...I am beyond thrilled for you!!!! This has been such an amazing day! I was thinking about you all day, hoping & praying everything was okay. BTW...I got my positive test today too, like you said hands down best day ever:)

  17. I'm so so excited for you! That's amazing!

  18. YAY YAY YAY!!!!! I am so excited to go through this twin pregnancy with you. Congratulations mommy!

  19. Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh!!!! Congratulations hon! I am just over the moon for you!

  20. YAY!!!

    With Nick & Sophie, I bled for a bit; our RE said it was normal, especially with twins because the extra stretching pushes older blood out.

    So happy for you!

  21. Yay, yay, yay!! So happy for you!! Woo Hoo!!. Can't wait to hear more about your twin pregnancy, and more pictures to come!

  22. What?! Wow! What a relief. Congratulations!

  23. Congratulations!!! I gave birth to twins in August and I can't believe how happy they make me every single day. Such joy is coming your way!!

  24. TWINS!!!!!! Wow!! What awesome news!! Congratulations, Emily! I am psyched for you and your soon-to-be family of 4! =)

  25. AMAZING NEWS!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Welcome to a whole new world!

  26. Fantastic!!! TWO HEALTHY BABIES!!!! I'm over the moon for you!!! xox

  27. Congratulations!! Such exciting news!

  28. This is excellent news! congratulations! I am also pregnant with twins due Sept 6th! I will be checking back often!

  29. You know, I hate that I missed your whole IVF! I would have loved to have followed it. I'm going to put you in my reader right now!

    I'm soooooooo excited for you! I know the day we saw the two hearbeats was the best day of our lives as well! LOVE it! You can read back in our archives. I found myself doing that with a few twin/ivf blogs that I'd read over the years. Also, would love to help if you have twin questions, I'm still learning but I have done a lot of googling during this pregnancy!

    Here is what I found regarding measurement:
    "The fetal pole grows at a rate of about 1 mm a day, starting at the 6th week of gestational age. Thus, a simple way to "date" an early pregnancy is to add the length of the fetus (in mm) to 6 weeks. Using this method, a fetal pole measuring 5 mm would have a gestational age of 6 weeks and 5 days."

    I think mine were like a day apart.

    So excited for you!

  30. I saw your comment on PJ's blog and wanted to tell you my little girl(baby B) measured smaller by a week the whole pregnancy then her brother and by gestation, he was always right on or a few days ahead. In the beginning i was terrifed of losing that baby due to the size and obviously never happen. She just turned out to be a little peanut. Other twin mom's always told me that their smaller baby turned out to be a girl and it was true for me! I'm always here to answer any questions you have. My twin pregnancy was crazy but sooo worth it. CONGRATS!

  31. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you...!!! You were worried about the spotting and here you are pregnant with twins!!! SO happy for you!!!
