About Me

My photo
Nashville, TN, United States
I am a mom to amazing twin girls, a wife, and I work full time. I battled infertility for 2 years and over the course of treatments, a twin pregnancy, and raising twins I managed to gain about 80 lbs. I’ve lost about 50 lbs so far and would like to lose another 50 in my quest to become a hot mama.
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, April 16, 2010

15 weeks

How far along: 15 weeks, 0 days

Total Weight Gain: 9.0 lbs (although we ate at Cheesecake Factory last night...so I was not apt to step on the scale this morning)

Symptoms: I feel amazingly fantastic.  I LOVE being pregnant and my growing belly.  The only new issues going on is some hip pain that gets worse when I am standing.  Nothing to complain about though!

Stretch Marks: No new ones...I have one old one that looks like it might be elongating.  Not like I planned on wearing a bikini any time soon anyways!

Sleep: I am sleeping even better now that I don't have to get up a million times to go to the bathroom.  Looks like I am getting a little bit of a reprieve. 

Best Moment Last Week: Getting the first crib set up in the nursery!

Movement: I think I am getting closer.  I have felt a few bubbles that have made me go "hmmm" but nothing definite yet.  I can't wait though!

Food Cravings: None. But lots of food in general.  I have discovered a new level of hungry that I have never felt before...the kind that makes you want to vomit.  And this happens about every hour!

What I Miss: Nothing this week.

What am I looking forward to:  Going to Atlanta this weekend to do some baby shopping at Ikea and making our registry this weekend!

Milestones: Actually having something in our nursery that makes it look like a nursery!

How is Daddy? Getting excited.  He is touching my belly a whole lot more now and I love it.  There is nothing more sweet than showing his love towards his two little ones!

Some 15 weeks pics:


  1. Looking good! I have enjopyed your updates!

  2. You and those two babies are growing well!!! You look fantastic. Glad to hear that you are loving pregnancy- it really is the most incredible thing ever!
