About Me

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Nashville, TN, United States
I am a mom to amazing twin girls, a wife, and I work full time. I battled infertility for 2 years and over the course of treatments, a twin pregnancy, and raising twins I managed to gain about 80 lbs. I’ve lost about 50 lbs so far and would like to lose another 50 in my quest to become a hot mama.
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The bedrest begins...

Today's appointment was a little more eventful than I had hoped.  Both babies looked great.  Fluid looks good.  Baby A is our runt and measured 3.2lbs in the 31 percentile, which I thought was small, but is apparently normal.  Baby B is our chunker weighting in at 3.11 lbs in the 74 percentile.  The discordance rate between the two babies is 15% and anything less than 20% is considered normal.

Then came the not fun part....my first cervical exam of this pregnancy.  Apparently I am already 80% effaced and fingertip dilated.  The babies are at -2 station.  The doctor said he could feel baby A's head.  I am officially on "modified bed rest" or what my doc calls "level 1" which means working stops, shopping stops, cooking stops, cleaning stops, etc.  I am less than enthused about this because I was REALLY hoping to work until 36 weeks.

So all the doctor told us was "these babies are coming early."  They prepared us for the possibility of NICU time.  I am sufficiently disappointed that I am this thinned out already and am really praying that I can keep these babies cooking for another 6-8 weeks.

Please say a little prayer for our little guys.


  1. Praying they will stay put as long as they need to be healthy!

  2. Hope the babies stay put for as long as they need to. And sorry about the bed rest. I have been on modified bed rest for just over a week now and am less than enthused about it. But you can do it!!!

  3. It's great that you've made it to 30 weeks without bedrest, so don't get too discouraged. Those little ones can stay put for quite a while longer with you resting. None of my friends who had twins worked past about 25 weeks, so you've done great! (And I'm even on part-time.) I'll be praying for you and the little ones to hang in there for a while longer!

  4. Welcome to the club! The Dr finally let me off strict bed rest, only now my body is so sore and wore out I couldnt do anything if I wanted to! I have been stuck here at 80% effaced dialted to a three for over 2 weeks now! im begining to feel like I just might be here for the long haul! BUT! whatever brings us healthy babies right? good luck!

  5. Sorry to hear about the unexpected turn of events. But whatever it takes to keep your babies growing strong will be worth it. Good luck! I'll be thinking of you and your little ones!

  6. You're in great shape! They can hang on for a long time now that you'll be taking it easy. There isn't anything that you have to do now except cook those babies! I know you're disappointed, but you're being very well taken care of. Babies will be beautiful and healthy!

  7. Cook longer babies!! Thinking of you and praying those kiddos stay put for a few more weeks!!

  8. praying... congrats for getting to 30w w/o bedrest! with Bobby and Maya, I wason br @ 11w, hospital br @b 20w, and delivered just shy of 28w. they spent 9w in the NICI and, at almost 11 months old, are healthy and happy. you are doing great!

  9. I am sorry to hear about the bedrest. However, I agree with everyone else - be proud that you have made it to 30 weeks without needing the bedrest. I am sure that the beans will stay put for awhile longer and will be perfectly happy and healthy.
    Thinking of you!!

  10. Prayers for the little ones to stay put and keep growing for a few more weeks.

  11. but of course there are prayers coming your way for those babies as well as for you and your husband...take it easy and bask in the sleep that you can get on demand...because this will become a distant memory soon trust me! you never know how long they will stay put my frist set of twins i was dialated for 3 months and on shaky ground bedrest helped our second set was tougher but they hung in a bit longer...youve done wonderfully thus far will be checking everyday hoping to se boring dull stir crazy post from your bed!

  12. Hang in there Emily. I know all too well how these babies don't always care about our plans and it's very understandable that you are disappointed by this change in expectations.

    Sending good vibes your way that the bed rest will keep your little ones in long enough to minimize or remove any need for time in the NICU.


  13. Hang in there lady. You and your kiddos will be in my thoughts!

  14. Sorry for the bed rest! I hope it all goes well and the babies can bake a little longer! Anxious to hear how it all unfolds!


  15. Cheer up my little monkey. This is good for you. I know you wanted to work, but your little ones are a thousand times more important than work will ever be. Randy will be there for you. I feel bad at about 20 weeks making Ryan do everything, but Ry doesn't let me do anything. I feel super bad, because I like cooking and helping out, and he keeps saying "This is all so worth it though" and know that Randy feels the same way. You have to start thinking that way too. It'll be good for you mama. I'll send you some BBM's to help too. Love you. :)

  16. thinking about you emily.... Joe and Leon send their love as well!! Keep those babies cooking!! xoxoxo

  17. Thinking of you and praying that you can keep on "cooking" your babies for a while longer! Hope the modified bedrest is not too bad, I know you wanted to work as long as you could but life is always so unpredictable! Try remember you are doing it for you and your babies too!! thinking of you sweetie!

  18. I hope they stay put for you - I know sitting aroun doing nothing isn't fun (I hated having to stop working so early) but in the end it's worth it. Good luck!
