About Me

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Nashville, TN, United States
I am a mom to amazing twin girls, a wife, and I work full time. I battled infertility for 2 years and over the course of treatments, a twin pregnancy, and raising twins I managed to gain about 80 lbs. I’ve lost about 50 lbs so far and would like to lose another 50 in my quest to become a hot mama.
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Friday, May 27, 2011

Doing it for real

I always thought gaining just the recommended weight during my pregnancy for twins would make it easy for it to just melt off after they came out.  Boy was I wrong.  I am still fighting this pesky 16lbs that is being stubborn.  Then lets add the 20 pounds I gained from 3 rounds of IVF and all of the drugs.  So yeah...I have a lot to lose.  But DH and I have been on a kick.  We are both logging our calories and activity on My Fitness Pal and are actually seeing some results.  We used to try fad diets together all of the time, but after running into an old college friend who had lost a ton of weight she revealed that her and her husband just really tried hard to eat well and hit the gym everyday.

So far I've lost 3lbs since starting my fitness pal, but I feel like it is actually weight that is "real" weight....not water weight like you lose in so many diets. 

I am finally ready to get rid of this weight and not feel like a total "mom" anymore!  Feel free to follow me if you are on My Fitness Pal too.  My user name is Emilymorrisfoster


  1. That's great that you and your DH are doing this together! Way to go!!!

  2. YAY! I'm there too! Will search you!

  3. And yes, it works! It's a commitment to account for every calorie but it's working for me! And I feel more motivated using it.

  4. My DH and I did the same thing on Lance Armstrong's site but I always cheated. :) My DH on the other hand lost 40 lbs! I need to lose about 15 more pounds too but I am just so tired and I always eat crap at work so I have started and stopped a bunch of times.

    Good luck!! I hope those lbs come off faster than the speed of light!

  5. thats so awesome! i have been using sparkpeople to do the same thing and log my exercise but it's been almost a month and no matter what i eat, drink lots of water and do vigorous exercise 4-5 days a week i'm not losing.. uggh . congrats on losing some already!! you'll do great!
