About Me

My photo
Nashville, TN, United States
I am a mom to amazing twin girls, a wife, and I work full time. I battled infertility for 2 years and over the course of treatments, a twin pregnancy, and raising twins I managed to gain about 80 lbs. I’ve lost about 50 lbs so far and would like to lose another 50 in my quest to become a hot mama.
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day Treats

I am that mom.  The one that perused Pintrest to find the perfect, most crafty treat I could send to school for the girls Valentines day party.  Am I compensating for something?  You bet your ass.  I am a working mom. I work full time, commute an hour to get home, and get to spend 2 1/2 hours on a good day with my kids before I put them to bed.  I am tired of all of my friends that are SAHM posting about how much they are worth, how awesome their kid is, or how many cool crafts and projects they do because they stay at home.  FUCK OFF.  I am just as good of a mom. Even if I see my kids for a short period of time.  Ok...this post is going somewhere I didn't intend.  Anyways, here are the little treats the girls made for their friends:  (and by the girls I mean I)

Mini heart shaped apple pies with stickers that say "Be my Sweetie Pie."
They painted the envelopes so they are nice and crispy.
Score 1 point for this mom.


  1. Amen! As cute as the treats are, I can totally relate on the working mom thing. Love that you said it "out loud"!

  2. Those are amazing!! And I agree, I get so bored of seeing how hard a SAHM's job is. Try doing that same job in about 3 hours a day!
