About Me

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Nashville, TN, United States
I am a mom to amazing twin girls, a wife, and I work full time. I battled infertility for 2 years and over the course of treatments, a twin pregnancy, and raising twins I managed to gain about 80 lbs. I’ve lost about 50 lbs so far and would like to lose another 50 in my quest to become a hot mama.
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, January 23, 2010


So I have no symptoms and no hope that this actually worked.  I know, I know it was probably too early to test, but I thought for sure if it worked I'd have at least a faint line.  No such luck.

I think maybe God's plan for us isn't to have biological children but to adopt. 


  1. I'm sorry. I hope it is too early.

  2. I've never tested early so have no data to share, but I hope it was too early as well.

  3. I am so sorry. I am fresh off multiple BFN's, so I know how defeating it feels. I'm praying that your next test will be +!! (As an aside though, it is possible that God is calling you to adopt- just want to encourage you to keep praying about that calling!)

  4. Either way... we are all thinking of you!

  5. STOP STOP STOP! It's waaayyy too early to tell...don't lose hope now - now is the time to have it! Give those little embies time to do their thing and cozy into that lining of yours.

  6. I feel the same way every day! Like maybe this wasn't meant for me, but I still hold onto hope and so should you! I agree with all the girls in that it seems too early to tell. I've never heard of a 6dt, but I would assume waiting it out a few more days is key!

  7. I am so sorry, but I third the other posts that I hope it's just too early.

    Wow on the 9 snow babies! I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that you will get better news soon.

  8. I'm not giving up hope yet!!! Fingers are still crossed....TIGHT! ((HUGS))

  9. I'm sorry you are losing hope and feeling down, but it is still early. I still have hope for you this cycle!

  10. PUT THOSE STICKS AWAY!!! And that is an order....

  11. Praying for you & hoping that it's just too early to tell!

  12. I know this is a shot in the gut. I'm sorry.

    As an adopted child myself (and someone with designs on adopting), it is a beautiful way to grow your family. Not that that, in any way, mitigates the pain of infertility. It doesnt and it cant.

    Still hoping and praying for a BFP at the end of your journey this cycle.

  13. Hello. I am 5dp6ft and got a BFN this morning. Ugh! I concevied twins in 2012 via IVF but did not test. I am kicking myself now as every morning I wake up to be disappointed. I am hoping 6dp6dt will be a positive. I hate this....

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